Wellbeing Philosophy

The health and wellbeing of all students sits at the heart of everything we do. Our Wellbeing Policy focuses on the achievement and maintenance of physical, emotional and mental fitness, as a student who is happy is more likely to flourish and achieve their potential. We provide a strong support network through teachers, boarding staff, learning coaches and nurses who are all available to offer advice and support.

Our Senior Leadership Team provide regular updates on current health and wellbeing topics such as internet safety, social media and privacy, and advice about the amount of screen time that is healthy for children. We actively promote the importance of positive mental health awareness throughout the school, making use of senior students to support and educate our pupils in Key Stage 2.

Our pastoral programme is given the highest priority. As a School we are caring, friendly and know that happy, cared-for children are most likely to thrive. In Years 3 – 6, teachers and learning support staff develop positive relationships with each member of their class and are quickly able to identify problems.

In the Junior School, the Head of Juniors and Deputy Headteacher Achievement, Standards and Inclusion are supported by all staff to oversee student welfare. We provide personal and approachable support for families. Parents and children are encouraged to speak to class teachers, boarding staff, learning coaches and the full-time school nurses about any worries. We hope your child will find the school to be a place of comfort and security, of which they will look forward to returning each day.

Health & Wellbeing

We have a strong focus on health and wellbeing from Year 3 to Year 13; we see the support of young people’s physical and mental health as a crucial element to their success.

Health and wellbeing advice and emotional support are available to students and families via the pastoral leads, class teachers, boarding staff, learning coaches, School Nurse, Chaplain and the school counselling service.

Our confidentiality policy enables pupils to trust in our support teams, whilst keeping safeguarding at the forefront of our approach. This means that where there is considered a risk of harm, information is shared appropriately.

The Health Centre onsite offers a calm and safe space for students. The nursing team all have extensive experience, allowing them to deliver a very high standard of care. The Health Centre is open throughout the day and at weekends. 

Internet Security

To help atudwnta access their work outside lesson time and to facilitate e-mail contact with parents and family, students have access to computers almost from when they get up until when they go to bed. Two computer suites are open before lessons start in the morning, at lunchtime and after afternoon lessons and there are suites of computers in every boarding house.

Despite traditional internet blocking and filtering systems, all schools face increasing problems with students able to circumvent safeguards and access unacceptable material on unrecognised websites. Reliance on the sole use of traditional blocking and filtering systems allows huge areas of exposure to very real dangers.

In order to protect students from the many dangers which the Internet offers, and to discourage students from accessing inappropriate material, our internet and e-mail systems are protected by SECURUS.

Further details are available at


Good behaviour and discipline within the school are essential if children are to learn and teachers teach effectively. We work hard to ensure that we create a supportive and calm school environment in which the rights and responsibilities of everyone within the school community are understood, valued and upheld. You can read our behaviour booklet in full here.