May 09 - School prepares for flu pandemic

The Royal Alexandra and Albert School is taking a considered approach to the flu pandemic that is sweeping the world. Whilst sensible precautions are being taken, the school is keen not to cause unnecessary alarm amongst its pupils and staff.

As a boarding school, the Royal Alexandra and Albert School would face more difficulty than most if there were to be an outbreak in the area. For instance, pupils couldn’t simply be sent home if they became ill especially if parents are abroad.

The School has taken advice from the local authority and central government and has implemented a number of measures to minimise the risks to pupils and staff. These include;
- If pupils become unwell they would be cared for in the School’s 14 bed health centre until parents are able to collect them.
- Special provision has been made for extra cleaning in order to control infection.
- Special precautions for washing clothes in the school laundry.

Headmaster Paul Spencer Ellis said “We have already sent a message to parents to remind them of the importance of the infection control measures recommended by the Government.”

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