Jan 08 - Cookery is a major ingredient

Cookery is a major ingredient at the Royal Alexandra and Albert School

There has been a lot of debate recently about making cookery lessons compulsory for children aged 11-14. The Royal Alexandra and Albert School already delivers 3 times the minimum requirement of Cookery lessons. All children at the school in Years 7, 8 and 9 receive cookery lessons for one term each year. What’s more, ingredients are provided free to all Year 7 pupils. Pupils in other years, who board at the School, also receive free ingredients.

Despite the massive shortage of Food Technology teachers, the School has its full complement of staff. And the recently refurbished Food Technology classroom provides an excellent environment for pupils to learn the subject.

Headmaster, Paul Spencer Ellis says “Cookery is an important skill for children to learn and it is one that will be valuable to them throughout their life. As a school we offer extensive opportunities for pupils to learn about diet, nutrition and cookery within the main school day. This is particularly important with the increasing rates of obesity amongst children and adults”.

Mr Spencer Ellis continues “Cookery lessons within the school day are supported by cookery clubs after school. These are very popular with pupils so there is clearly enthusiasm for the subject.”

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