Founders' Day 2019

Founders’ Day is a highlight of the school year, when the School celebrates pupils’ achievements and commemorates the founding of its original institutions.

As with previous years, pupils were recognised for their individual successes in their academic subjects and their contribution to the wider school community.

The Headmaster addressed senior pupils, prize winners and their parents, and guests with his annual speech which summarised the many events and activities that happened at the School throughout the year. The Headmaster’s speech can be read in its entirety here .  

The prizes were given to pupils by Dr Jon Cox, Headmaster of the Royal Grammar School, Guildford. Dr Cox was the visiting speaker and delivered an engaging and humorous speech with an uplifting outlook about the role of education in nurturing young people.

His speech was followed by the awarding of the prizes and a musical interlude from the Choir, who sang ‘Come, My Way, My Truth, My Life’. Sixth Form student, Mia Robertson, also delighted guests and pupils with her beautiful rendition of ‘Poor Wandering One’, from Pirates of Penzance.

In what has become tradition, this year’s Head Boy and Head Girl, Keiron Wilson and Madison Hilliard, announced who would be succeeding them in their roles of leadership, and presented next year’s Head Boy and Head Girl with their gowns, as well as offering words of advice. Kyran Bostel and Manuela Perez Gomez will officially step into their new positions at the start of the next academic year.

Our thanks to all pupils, staff, parents, guests and friends of the School for their attendance at this year’s Founders’ Day.

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