Headmaster 'Proud' of Award from BSA

We are pleased to announce that the Royal Alexandra and Albert School has won a Boarding Schools Association (BSA) award in recognition of the School’s work with vulnerable children.

The School was one of three schools shortlisted for the prize which highlights ‘that protecting and working with vulnerable children who board requires an in-depth understanding and an ability to approach each child’s situation in a unique way to best assist them’.

The core purpose of the School’s Foundation is to accommodate and educate ‘Foundationers’ -  pupils who would benefit from boarding education because of difficult home circumstances.  Generally, Foundationers have lost one or both parents, have a chronically ill parent, have been abandoned or abused, or the parent can no longer meet their daily needs. 

Whilst boarding education is not right for every child, for some it can make a huge difference. By providing a stable, safe home environment with routine, regular meals and supportive staff, this School aims to transform the prospects of a child who has never had any of those things.

The Headmaster, Mark Dixon, was delighted to accept the award at the annual BSA Conference for Headteachers dinner which took place yesterday evening and said, “I was very pleased to accept this award on behalf of the School in recognition of all of the work carried out by our dedicated members of staff who go above and beyond for our pupils. I feel proud and resolute to continue our efforts in this important area.”

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