Cyber-attack – Please be vigilant

In common with a number of boarding schools, the Royal Alexandra and Albert School has been targeted by online criminals.  The Admissions Office has suffered a cyber-attack and this has resulted in some parents being sent emails that are not from the School.  The emails give the impression that they are from the Admissions Office at this school, but, in fact, they are scam emails, usually asking for money to be paid by 12th January. 

If you receive an email asking for money, please check it carefully.  The scam email uses email addresses that look like they come from the school, but there are subtle differences.  Some emails are allegedly from a ‘Sue Grant’ with a job title ‘School Fees Supervisors’ and come from email address (i.e. without the .uk).  Please be aware that these emails are scams and do not come from the school.

If you do receive any form of email asking for money please make Gareth Evans, IT Director, aware  and please ensure you do not make any payments as a result of these emails.

If you have any concerns regarding payments please contact the school’s Finance Office.

10 January 2018

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