Luca’s Logo Sails Above The Rest

When Tenerife-based sailing organisation, Club Yachting, decided to update its image with a new logo, it took an unusual approach to get a new design. Rather than brief a professional design agency, they arranged a design competition for pupils at the Royal Alexandra and Albert.

Over 130 pupils entered the competition with entries from all age groups. They competed for the prestige of seeing their logo being used by the company and also for a prize of Amazon vouchers.  

Head of Design & Technology, Kate O’Flynn, managed the entries from pupils and she was impressed with the quality and quantity of entries. Some of the entries were hand drawn and others used computer design software. Ms O’Flynn said “It was brilliant to see such enthusiasm from pupils. This project really captured their imagination.”

Pupils who designed the top three logos were awarded their Amazon vouchers by the Headmaster, Mark Dixon. 12 year old Luca, who was the overall winner commented afterwards “I looked on the company’s website and designed a logo I thought would work for the company. I enjoy sailing and I think this might have boosted my creativity in art and design for this logo. I was really surprised to win – I’ve never won anything before in my life!”

26 May 17

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