Pupils Meet Peer

With only 58% of 18-24 year olds who are registered to vote doing so in the last general election, the House of Lords has taken action.

The Peers in Schools Programme aims to get young people more interested in politics. In recent years, the UK has had the lowest youth turnout at general elections in Europe. Now, Peers across the country are going into schools and meeting with students to start to change this.

On Friday, the Royal Alexandra and Albert School had the pleasure of welcoming Lord Bowness as part of the Peers in Schools Programme.

Lord Bowness spoke with the School’s Sixth Form about the House of Lord’s role in government. He explained some of its key functions, and how it differs from the House of Commons in its structure, its members, and its political balance.

Students found the talk engaging and informative, leaving with a greater understanding of the work undertaken in the House of Lords.

Zanett Schiller, Year 12 boarder at the School, enjoyed Lord Bowness’ talk. She said “It was a very interesting talk with a lot of information about the House of Lords that most of us were unaware of. I think it’s good that we had the opportunity to learn more about how our government works and what role the House of Lord plays.”

Headmaster Paul Spencer Ellis said of Lord Bowness’ visit, “I would like to thank Lord Bowness for taking time away from his very busy schedule to spend time with our Sixth Form students. It is important for our students to have an understanding of our political system and engage with national issues. Lord Bowness’ talk was very insightful and helped our students, particularly those who are considering pursuing careers in the political field, to further appreciate the work that is carried out by the House of Lords and other legislative bodies.”

Lord Bowness is a life peer in the House of Lords. He is currently a member of the EU Energy and Environment Sub-Committee and of the Secondary Legislation Scrutiny Committee. Previously, he worked in local government as Leader of Croydon Council and Mayor of Croydon.

21 October 2015

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