Mrs Da Silva comes back for Maths exam

Staff and pupils were very sad when Learning Support Assistant, Nikki Da Silva left a few weeks ago to pursue a career in banking. She had a natural affinity for working with children and a remarkable ability to help children progress even when they had to overcome difficulties with their learning.

Her commitment to her job was total and her inspirational approach extended to leading by example. Some of her pupils lacked confidence and felt they couldn’t achieve the GCSEs they needed. So Nikki entered herself for GCSE Maths to show that adults can face exams in areas where they are not confident.

Despite no longer being a Learning Support Assistant, Nikki, who recently became a grandmother, came back to sit the exam. She has been doing her homework and is hopeful that she can achieve a good grade. Before going in to the exam hall, she went to see her old tutor group, 7FD who were surprised and delighted to see her. They wished her success in her exam.

Nikki, who worked at the Royal Alexandra and Albert School for 7 years said “I found maths difficult at school and I could see pupils who had the same lack of confidence I had. I wanted to show that they should be confident of their abilities and they can achieve good results.”

Headmaster Paul Spencer Ellis said “This is a clear demonstration of staff leading by example and encouraging their pupils. Nikki was an excellent LSA and is greatly missed by pupils and colleagues. I wish her every success in her new career and with her Maths GCSE.”

4th June 2015

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