Porcupine, perfume and puppies

A porcupine selling balloons. A skunk making perfume. These were just two of the characters in the book ‘The worst animal jobs ever’ written by author Adrian Coleman who visited the Royal Alexandra and Albert School on Monday.

Adrian talked to junior pupils in morning assembly about three of his books including one about his two very naughty puppies. He then ran workshops throughout the day where every class had the opportunity to work on stories with him. The children let their imagination flow as they thought up their own characters for the worst animal jobs ever, and worked on other assignments related to Adrian’s books.

The books are written in rhyme and the children enjoyed joining in with actions as Adrian read the stories.

Year 6 teacher and Literacy Coordinator Dionne Bradley said “It was wonderful that Adrian Coleman visited pupils today. They were fascinated to hear about the real life experiences that helped to provide inspiration for the stories. Adrian’s description of the havoc that descended on his home when he brought home two puppies was particularly entertaining. The visit has given pupils an enthusiasm for literacy which will help them develop their own writing skills.”

18th November 2013

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