Author visit

Luke Temple came to talk to junior pupils at the Royal Alexandra and Albert School on Tuesday. Luke gave a very lively and entertaining presentation about being an author and about how he came up with the ideas for his books. He explained how the most important thing when writing a book is to have a good story and lots of ideas. He went on to tell children that he was not very good at spelling but that he hadn’t let this stand in his way, he said ‘that’s what you have editors for!’ He then had an interactive session where the pupils acted out parts of his stories.

Teacher, Dionne Williams said “We invited Luke to come and talk to children as a follow up to Book Week which we had in March. The children were really inspired by his presentation and were fascinated to hear how the idea for one of his stories came from a nightmare.

“A very positive aspect of the visit is that the children now have more confidence in their writing and are gaining a great deal of enjoyment out of reading.

“We have invited Luke to come back again in March 2013 for next year’s Book Week.”

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