- KS3 English
- KS4 English
- KS4 Media Studies
- KS3 French
- KS4 French
- KS3 Spanish – Year 8
- KS3 Spanish – Year 9
- KS4 Spanish
At the Royal Alexandra and Albert School, we provide all students with a broad, balanced, and well-rounded education. We believe that this is achieved through:
In addition to following the curriculum, the School aims to instil in pupils Fundamental British Values (FBV), and help them develop spiritually, morality, socially and culturally (SMSC).
More information about the National Curriculum can be found here.
The School’s Set Change Protocol can be found here.
If you would like to find out more about the curriculum in the Senior School please contact the Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Office on 01737 649000.
Please note that staff check their e-mail regularly but parents should not count on a message being read until the next day.