Sixth Form
Non-Boarding Package
Our Sixth Form Non-Boarding Package is tailored for aspiring young adults, emphasising academic support and heightened independence in a nurturing environment.
The school offers two types of places in the Sixth Form: Full Boarding and Non-Boarding. Students who join the school on the Non-Boarding Package enjoy the flexibility of accessing school facilities into the evening, with members of the Sixth Form team on hand for additional support.
Unlike in the Junior and Senior schools, Sixth Formers do not have to attend Saturday morning enrichment. This is optional. While students are encouraged to engage in enrichment activities, they are also free to dedicate their Saturday mornings to part-time employment, volunteering, academic study, driving lessons, or simply relaxation.
Students who join us on the Sixth Form Non-Boarding package gain access to Gatton 6 and the amenities of their linked boarding house from 7.30am, during break and lunch, and after school until 8.30pm, Monday to Friday. Please note specific timings apply for each location.
The boarding houses and Gatton 6 are staffed during opening hours, providing readily available assistance and guidance.
Included in the package is breakfast, lunch, with the option of an evening meal for those staying late for prep, study sessions, sport or co-curricular activities. Snacks in the boarding houses are also included. Gatton 6 has kitchen facilities for students to make tea and coffee and other light refreshments.
Co-Curricular Activities
Students on the Sixth Form Package have full access to the Co-Curricular Programme. Students do not have to participate in activities but are encouraged to engage with the programme, with many clubs specifically tailored for Sixth Formers. Involvement with the co-curricular programme – which includes clubs such as MedSoc, Model United Nations and Interact Club – is one way to strengthen CVs and UCAS applications
For more details on fees, please visit our fees page.
Students on Free School Meals
Students eligible for Free School Meals automatically have a reduction on their Non-Boarding package fee. Please get in touch with the Admissions team for further information.
Students not enrolled in the Sixth Form Package can access the Sunley Sixth Form Centre and Gatton 6 solely during break and lunchtimes, and are required to bring packed lunches as individual meal payments are not facilitated in the Dining Hall. Please note that students not on this package are unable to access facilities after school or participate in the co-curricular programme.