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Sixth Form

Sixth Form FAQs

What are the entry requirements for the Sixth Form?

The academic entry requirements for admittance into the Sixth Form are:

  1. A minimum of five GCSE grades 4-9. Students who do not secure a minimum of Grade 4 in
    either GCSE English or Maths should retake the relevant subject(s) alongside their chosen
    Sixth Form courses.
  2. The minimum grade requirement for each subject that the student wishes to study as outlined in the Sixth Form Course Information Booklet.

The Sixth Form team will use ENIC, the official provider of international qualification comparability in the UK, to establish equivalent grades for students with qualifications other than GCSEs. In addition, pupils with qualifications other than GCSEs will need an IELTS score of 4.

Which subjects do you offer?

A full list of the A Levels on offer for 2025-27 can be found here.

What types of places do you offer?

We offer Full Boarding and Non-Boarding places.

  • Full Boarding – These places allow students to live at the school during term time, with the
    option of returning home at the weekends. As our boarders come from the UK and overseas,
    our boarding houses remain vibrant places during the weekend.
  • Non-Boarding – This is our equivalent of a day place, and our Non-Boarding students usually
    live within close proximity to the school. They are able to access the school facilities for an
    extended period, including evening access to the Sixth Form study areas in the Sunley Centre
    and the Gatton 6 building. Non-Boarding students have no requirement to board.
What are the Sixth Form fees?

Full details of our fees can be found here.

What is included in the Sixth Form Non-Boarding Package?

As part of the Sixth Form Non-Boarding Package, students are able to access Gatton 6 and the facilities of their attached boarding house from 7.30am, at break, lunchtime, and after lessons until 8.30pm (Monday to Friday). Both the Boarding Houses and Sixth Form areas are staffed at those times and help and advice is available.

Breakfast and lunch is included, as is the evening meal if a student is staying on to study in the evening or take part in evening activities.

How do I make an application to attend the Sixth Form?

The application process differs depending on whether you are a new student or a current student:

  • Existing Students – Students apply internally. They will be given an application form to
    complete during tutor time. Tutors will be able to give guidance on how to complete
    applications. Parents will be advised of the application process. Please do not apply through
    our online admissions system.
  • New Students – New students can apply online here. As part of the admissions process, an
    academic and character reference will be requested (for Non-Boarders, this is only an
    academic reference).

Both current and new students attend a meeting with a member of the Sixth Form team to discuss their options and entry requirements. New students applying for Full Boarding places will also have a suitability for boarding interview. Information on dates and timings for these interviews will be communicated with parents and students. There are no entrance exams.

When is the Sixth Form application deadline?

We are still accepting applications. We understand that some students may need longer to complete an application, as they may be unsure of the subjects they wish to study or where they wish to go for their post-16 education. Our admissions process, for both current and new students, is able to accommodate this.

Do you have new students joining the school at Sixth Form?

Yes. Our Year 12 cohorts are always a mixture of current students moving up from Year 11 and new students joining from other schools. On average, there is an even split – with 50% of students in the Sixth Form joining the school in Year 12. This is a great opportunity for students to make new friendships, as well as helping new students settle in more quickly with routines and standards.

How many students are there in Sixth Form?

On average, we have around 200 students in the Sixth Form. This means that we are able to keep Year Groups small and the Sixth Form team can get to know students well and support them through this crucial and exciting time in their education.

What are your class sizes like?

In the Sixth Form, we have small class sizes. Our average class size in Year 12 is 10. For more popular subjects, classes may be bigger.

Do Sixth Form students have to attend school on Saturdays?

No. There is no longer a requirement for Sixth Form students to attend Saturday morning lessons. Saturday mornings have now become enrichment focused. As such, Sixth Form students can use this time to study, gain employment, do work experience, learn to drive, volunteer or pursue interests and hobbies. There is an enrichment programme on Saturday mornings which SixthFormers are welcome to engage with, but this is not compulsory. Students may also volunteer and work to support the Saturday enrichment programme with other year groups.

What is the Sixth Form dress code?

The Sixth Form dress code is business casual and reflects the modern working environment. This includes smart trousers or skirts and collared shirts or blouses, but ties and blazers are not required for everyday wear.

The dress code is respectful of culture, heritage and gives students greater independence in their dress choice, whilst recognising that the Sixth Form is a working environment. The Sixth Form dress code is gender neutral.

What facilities are available for Sixth Form students?

In 2023, we opened a brand new Sixth From Centre, Gatton 6. This gives our growing Sixth Form more space for personal study and common areas for students to relax and socialise in. Gatton 6 has excellent facilities including common rooms, a break out room for group work and an IT suite for quiet study. Gatton 6 is accessible from 7.30am until 8pm Monday to Thursday, and until 4pm on Fridays.

Every Sixth Form student, whether they are Full Boarders or Non-Boarders, are allocated a boarding house. This gives students additional areas for study and to enjoy spending time with their friends. Our Boarding houses have dedicated annexes with Sixth Form only common rooms, and Gatton Hall is a Sixth Form only house.

What Careers support is available to students?

One of the areas of focus for the Sixth Form team is ensuring that our students are fully informed of their post-18 choices and the many different pathways available to them. This includes pathways to further education at university, degree apprenticeships and apprenticeships, as well as information about employment opportunities. This information is delivered every week in tutor lessons and the lecture period, in both Years 12 and 13.

Our Destinations Coordinator provides comprehensive UCAS support and guidance to students wishing to apply to university. Additionally, the school’s Independent Careers Advisor is available to students for advice to help determine their next steps. For students seeking to apply to the Universities of Oxford and the University of Cambridge, or to the highly competitive courses of medicine and veterinary science, additional guidance is given through lectures, mock interviews and external guest speakers to equip students with the additional skills they need to succeed in their applications.

What pastoral support and guidance do you offer?

We have an evolving tutor and lecture programme delivered twice weekly by the Sixth Form Team including Tutors, the Director and Deputy Director of Sixth Form as well as a range of outside experts. This programme includes advice and guidance around statutory areas such as relationships, substance abuse, finance and the professional world as well as information on organisation, study skills and motivation.

What co-curricular activities are available?

There are over 100 activities on offer. The Co-Curricular Programme is an important part of our school. All students are encouraged to participate and join clubs and activities that suit their interests, but also challenge and stretch their abilities. Each term, parents and students are able to access a booking system where they can choose their activities.

There are activities with sessions which are specific for Senior students, such as Fitness, Pilates, Basketball, Rugby, Netball, Swimming, Trampolining, Cooking, Art Club, Medical Society, Astronomical Society, and many more!

Where do your students go after A Level studies?

Our students have diverse aspirations and ambitions for their futures and this is reflected in their post-18 destinations. The majority of our students will proceed to a UK university, with an average of 25% of our students choosing to study at a Russell Group university.

An increasing number of students are seeking opportunities at overseas universities, and many are now securing places at apprenticeship programmes. Further Information regarding the destinations of our students can be found here.

Need more information? The Admissions team can help: 01737 649026 |

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We offer Full Boarding (Years 3-13), Flexi Boarding (Years 3-11), and Sixth Form Non-Boarding places.


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