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16 - 19 Bursary Funding

The 16-19 Bursary Fund

The 16-19 fund is a government bursary to help with education related costs. It is used to close the gap in progress and attainment for disadvantaged students caused by the interruption to in-school provision. Funding will be assigned on a departmental case-by-case basis and will take into consideration predicted impact on students’ educational progress and experience.

What is the 16-19 Bursary?

Students in the Sixth Form, who are in need of some financial support to help them with their education, can apply to the 16 to 19 Bursary Fund. This bursary is administered by the school on behalf of the government, and assists with expenses such as travel costs, field trips, equipment for use in school and the cost of attending university interviews and open days. This is a fund which has been allocated directly, by the Government, to individual schools to administer.

Who is eligible?

To apply for a bursary you must be aged between 16 and 19 years old and be in full or part-time education.

There are 2 types of 16-19 bursaries:

1) A vulnerable bursary: The Government has identified that the students most in need will fit into the groups identified below and these students may be eligible for a Bursary up to £1,200 per year (depending on personal circumstances).

  • you’re in or you recently left local authority care
  • you get Income Support or Universal Credit because you’re financially supporting yourself
  • you get Disability Living Allowance (DLA) in your name and either Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) or Universal Credit
  • you get Personal Independence Payment (PIP) in your name and either ESA or Universal Credit.

Parents/students will need to prove entitlement. This will be in the form of appropriate supporting documentation from the relevant Government Departments.

2) Discretionary bursaries: are awarded directly by the school to meet individual needs and are targeted on students who cannot stay in full time education without financial help for things like transport, books and equipment.

How do you apply?

Students wishing to apply for the 16-19 Bursary must complete the application form, including attaching the relevant evidence, and submit it to the Head of Sixth Form.

Applications can also be made during the academic year. Application forms should be completed and submitted to Mr Brackpool.

Receipt of the bursary is dependent upon students upholding the key standards and values of the Royal Alexandra and Albert School Sixth Form.

Application FormBursary Contract

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