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The Trustees of the school offer each year a limited number of Foundationer boarder places to applicants who have a demonstrable need for boarding.

The main criterion is a lack of parental care where no other suitable care is available. This situation can arise through:

  • Parents/carers who can no longer meet the daily needs of a child due to chronic mental or physical ill health of a parent/carer
  • Disability of a sibling of sufficient severity to affect the care and normal development of other children within the family
  • Abandonment or abuse of a child
  • Long standing domestic violence in the family

When making a decision about whether to offer a bursary, Governors will need to be satisfied that home circumstances are such that the child would not thrive if he/she attended a local day school.

The selection process for Foundationer places is different from the standard admissions process. Please contact Admissions for more information by emailing

Applications for such places should make it clear at the outset that they are for Foundationer places and not for general admissions.

Please note that financial assistance will not be considered after an application for a place at the school has been made, or where a child has joined the school as a student before the financial assistance application is made.

The charges for such places are assessed on a means-tested basis. Admission is usually into Year 3 and Year 7, though applications for other year groups may be considered under exceptional circumstances.

Flexi Boarding

A limited number of means-tested bursaries are available for applicants for a Year 7 place for Flexi Boarding who have a demonstrable need for Flexi Boarding.

Applications for Flexi Boarding bursaries will be considered where the pupil lives near the school and is applying to join at the start of Year 7. The main criterion is a lack of parental care where no other suitable care is available before and after school. This situation can arise through:

  • Parents/carers who can no longer meet the daily needs of a child due to chronic mental or physical ill health of a parent/carer
  • Disability of a sibling of sufficient severity to affect the care and normal development of other children within the family

Flexi Boarding bursaries are means-tested and all applicants must complete a detailed financial questionnaire.

Applications for such places should make it clear at the outset that they are for Foundationer places and not for general admissions.

Please note that financial assistance will not be considered after an application for a place at the school has been made, or where a child has joined the school as a student before the financial assistance application is made.

To enquire about specific cases, please contact Admissions on

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We offer Full Boarding (Years 3-13), Flexi Boarding (Years 3-11), and Sixth Form Non-Boarding places.


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