Flexi Boarding
A Typical Day
The academic school day starts at 8.30am and ends at 3.35pm.
Monday to Friday
Saturday mornings are dedicated to our Enrichment Programme and are compulsory for those in Years 3-11. On Saturdays, school begins at 9am for all students, finishing at 11.10am for Junior students and 11.30am for all Senior students. Sixth Formers are not required to attend the Saturday Enrichment Programme.
Drop Off and Pick Up
Flexi Boarders may arrive in school any time after 7.30am to have breakfast in the Dining Hall. Alternatively, they may spend time in their boarding house prior to going to lessons. This is helpful for parents who need to leave early or commute for work.
After school, parents may collect their children any time up until boarders of the same age group go upstairs to prepare for bed. For some Year Groups, Flexi Boarders may be picked up as late as 8pm. Drop off and pick up before and after school are included in the Flexi Boarding fees and there is no need to pre-arrange this.
Boarding Nights
Flexi Boarders are expected to stay overnight in a boarding house for 7 – 10 nights a year. We have an online booking system and login details are sent to parents after the start of term.
Subject to availability, parents are able to select their child’s boarding nights. Most of our boarding houses are single sex, with dorms split by Year Group. In co-ed houses, boys and girls have separate wings.
Prep Time & Activities
After lessons during the week, Flexi Boarders are expected to take full advantage of the Co-Curricular Programme. Students are able to sign up for 3 activities per week, with students in Years 11 to Year 13 attending at least one club per week.
*some activities may take place later in the evening.
Prep time takes place in dedicated IT suites located in every boarding house. This is when students do their homework (or prep). If Flexi Boarders are in their boarding houses during prep time, they will be required to do their prep alongside their Full Boarding peers.