Admissions Consultation
Admissions Consultation - 2026/27
We are consulting on our Admissions Arrangements for September 2026. Consultation will take place for six weeks between Monday 16th December 2024 and Monday 27th January 2025.
Details of changes for 2026-27
The changes to our admissions arrangements focus on the Sixth Form Application. The proposed changes are the removal of examination questions and the inclusion of current progress questions and general questions to inform student meetings with the Sixth Form team.
In accordance with the statutory requirements, please see below the Admissions Arrangements which our Governing Body propose to publish for admissions from September 2026 onwards.
Admissions Arrangements 2026-27
Please send any comments by email to Mr Nick Leiper de Bathe, Director of Admissions & Bursaries, by Monday 27th January 2025:
Once the consultation is closed, the Governing Body will consider the responses and publish the outcome and the final Admissions Arrangements on the school’s website before the deadline of 28th February 2025.