Prep Policy Junior School


Prep in the Junior School will focus on giving students the opportunity to reinforce and embed key skills in Reading and Mathematics.  

By completing prep, students will be gaining fundamental knowledge to facilitate their learning across the curriculum.   

  • Prep will be set on a Monday and students are given one week to complete set tasks.  
  • Students will be given a Reading Record. This is where passwords for online resources will be kept and a record of all finished books. 
  • All prep will be set on Class Charts, where each pupil’s completion of prep will also be recorded on a weekly basis. 


All mathematics prep will be available online.  

Students are encouraged to complete mathematics prep to build fluency in the fundamentals of the subject, including: subitising, number bonds, addition and subtraction, as well as times tables.  

Students are encouraged to complete 30-minutes of times tables tasks on ‘TT Rockstars’ set by the class teacher and additional 30-minutes a week on ‘Numbots’.  

Students will be awarded 3 House Points per week if all mathematics prep has been completed.  Additional challenge tasks can be set if requested.  


Reading should be a part of every child’s daily routine and this is reflected in our expectations for reading prep. Overall, children are expected to read at least 5 times a week for 25-30 minutes per day. This will consist of opportunities to read levelled books as well as free reads and will be made up of the following:  

  • Oxford Reading Buddy/Oxford Reading Tree - Children should read one levelled scheme reader on Oxford Reading Buddy or a physical scheme reader on the Oxford Reading Tree scheme per week. When a scheme reader is completed either online or a physical copy, children should then attempt the associated quiz on Oxford Reading Buddy, if available. Children will be assigned a level on Oxford Reading Buddy and this will match up with the level of scheme reader they should be reading.  
  • Free Read  - Children will be able to take out a book of their own choosing in addition to the above. This can be read independently or shared with friends or family. They are welcome to read a free read from home instead.  

Whenever a child finishes either a scheme reader or a free read, they should record this and review it in their reading record.  

Children will be awarded 2 house points whenever they complete a scheme reader and the associated quiz, if available. They will also receive a further 2 house points for every free read completed if they then complete a review in their reading record.  


Children will be following the Read Write Inc Spelling programme in class and all pupils will be taught phonics or spellings each morning from Tuesday to Friday. There will be a list of spelling words on Edshed each week and children will be expected to complete 5 games per week. This list will match up with the spelling focus for their current literacy topic that term.  Children will be awarded 1 house point each week if the games are completed.

Incomplete Prep 

Class teachers will monitor pupils’ prep.  

If there are any students who are regularly not completing their prep, class teachers will facilitate its completion by advising they attend ‘Prep Club’ which will take place after school in Rank Weston or at break time or lunchtime if convenient.