There are nine boarding houses at the Royal Alexandra and Albert School. From September 2020, the houses will be arranged as shown below.

Under current restrictions due to the Covid-19 pandemic we are unable to show parents around our boarding houses. We have produced a virtual reality tour of one of the houses, Rank Weston House, and this can be viewed here. We will produce virtual reality tours of some of the other houses in coming weeks.

Click on the house name to find out more about each house. Click on the Head of House's name to see their video introduction.

Boarding House Name Age/Gender Head of House
Rank Weston Boys and Girls age 7-11 Mr J Stafford J Stafford
Albert Boys age 11-16 Mr B Maddox B Maddox
Alexandra Girls age 11-18 Miss T Gladstone Miss T Gladstone
Cornwall Girls age 11-18 Mrs L Love  
Edinburgh Boys age 11-16 Mr O Dyson Mr O Dyson
Elizabeth Girls age 11-16 Mrs A Beer Alexandra Beer
Gloucester Boys age 11-18 Mr J Maynard J Maynard
Kent Boys age 11-18 Mr T Mayhew T Mayhew
Gatton Hall Boys and Girls age 16-18 Mr W Richardson W Richardson